What a beautiful Friday in North Carolina we have today! Chilly in the mornings and warming up in the afternoons. I love the Fall weather! It is truly one of my most favorite time of years!
I have once again been missing in action on my blog. I must confess that I have been going through the past couple of weeks in a "funk". I don't know if anyone goes through those times where you feel depressed, alone and just sinking in the muck and mire; but that is where I have been. It's been hard pulling myself out! I put on my "happy face" for family and friends but inside I am struggling to free myself of the gloominess. I know some of my mood is due to money...or should I say the lack of. But, there is more to it than that....it has taken me awhile to figure out...but I think that I have become spiritually cold. That's hard for me to even type, but there it is. I have been doing my Bible studies, I have been praying and I have been attending church faithfully. But, my relationship with my Heavenly Father is distant and cold. How did this happen?! How did I get here?! I am in a place where I am even doubting God's love for me. I see myself as lacking. Lacking in what? Everything! I see all my failures, my short comings, my defects and mistakes. I know that the love of God is there...but it feels so distant right now. Ugh! I am praying that God will help dig me out of this! Gosh, this has turned into a depressing post! Sorry!
On a lighter note...Everyone is healthy and Jeff's work is going well. They are still saying they may have to down size, but business has picked up in the past couple of weeks. Trent is suffering from a black eye from football. I wanted to take a picture but he was not thrilled by the suggestion. Teenagers! Lol! Autumn is planning her wedding! Yep, my 4 year old has decided that she wants to get married and kiss a boy! We watched the movie "Enchanted" and from then on this is what she obsessed with. Needless to say, her Daddy is not as amused as I am by this!
My grocery budget has been going pretty well. I am still adjusting and tightening; but with the rising cost of groceries; I think I am doing well. I am still trying to get in the hang of when to use my coupons. I am not as coupon savvy as some of my blogging friends.
What a boring and sad post!? Lol! I promise with God's help I will get back on track. Thanks for allowing me to vent (and drag you down with me! Lol!)
Psalm 25:1-5
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
O my God, I trust in You;
Let me not be ashamed;
Let not my enemies triumph over me.
Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed;
Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause.
Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me.
You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day.