Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cooking in the Great Depression!

I was on Hillbilly Housewife and she was talking about Clara. So, I went to YouTube to check her out. She is sooooooo sweet. I love hearing her stories and she shared lots of recipes from the Great Depression Era. We can learn so much from our elderly people, if we would just take the time to listen! I wished my Grandmother was still living. I never took the time or made the effort while she was living to learn....I missed out on so much! I think in this generation we are so spoiled and have a somewhat distorted view on what we need to survive. Clara puts a lot of things in perspective for me.

Earlier in my blogs I shared where I wanted to start stockpiling some food. I honestly believe that the Lord is leading me in this direction. I believe the Lord ALWAYS wants His people to be prepared. You never know when you may lose a job, economic collapse (yes, I listen to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh!), or a terrorist attack may happen. My Grandmother always had a stockpile of food....ALWAYS! I have been prayerfully seeking how to begin my stockpile. These videos put in perspective that I don't need to have a lot of elaborate things in my stockpile to feed my family. You will keep hearing Clara say that "Times were terrible, but we always had good food." During the times she made the videos she was 91 and 93 years of age....she must know what she is talking about! Check out her videos on YouTube! She is awesome!

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